I saw that a turkey made prints in the snow with its feet and also the wing feathers. Looks like the turkey took flight to the sky.
Tag Archives: Snow
Iowa Igloo
A snowdrift has formed over the port-a-hut. The cats like to check it out, though if too much snow falls this winter, the whole shed, including the opening, will disappear.
Tree Precipitation
A record amount of precipitation has fallen in the area this year. Trees, like this Green King Hybrid Elm, are all frosted over on this last day of the year. Even the trees wanted to add precipitation to the already saturated landscape. The wind started to blow, and the frost started floating down, as if […]
Green & White
The Maxie Pear has continued to hold onto leaves into December. The leaves were reddish when young, but have greened up.
Snow Grasshopper
A warm day resulted in grasshoppers trying to wake up enough and jump around on the snow. They better hope the hungry Guineas don’t find them.
Snow Grazing
The goats didn’t want to wait for the snow to melt. They went out onto the snowy pasture to eat any green blades of grass they can see.
Brown Snow
The horse doesn’t look amused about the green grass covered under the snow. But soon the snow will disappear and the horse will be happy.
Atomic Sky
Please melt the snow.
On The Brink Of Death
After assuming the worst, a survivor has risen on the 3rd day. This guinea finally came out of the windbreak after 8 inches of snow and -9F low. She was vocalizing the common buckwheat sound that the females do. I let the other guineas out of their shed, helping bring this one back into her […]
February, Not So Nice
Daisy, the llama doesn’t mind taking on a brutal start to the new month. 18 years old this year, she knows these types of storms well.