Nice fall yellow color on a White Mulberry, while others are still green. Bald Cypress rarely fails me and has good fall colors most years. Bitternut Hickories(Carya cordiformis) turning usual yellows in fall. Pin Oak(Quercus palustris) hangs onto its leaves into the winter. Red Oak’s fall color and the still green bamboo(Phyllostachys aureosulcata ‘spectabilis’) contrast […]
Tag Archives: Red Oak
Chicken of the Woods
Chicken of the Woods(Laetiporus sulphureus) has been found growing on and around an old Red Oak. It is considered edible for some people and not others.
Fall Colors 2011
Many trees dot the landscape with their fall color. Devil’s Walking Stick is a reliable purplish fall color, while Dawn Redwood has a mild hue to it. White Oak stands out of the crowd. Eastern Cottonwood can have some yellow in its fall color. Red Oaks are native here and I can see them easily […]
2009 Fall Colors
Norway Spruce, Ponderosa Pine, and White Oak are lined up. Red Oaks are easily spotted in the naked forest.
Large Red Oaks
There is only two native Oak species growing in my area. The Bur Oak and the Red Oak both grow here. In general, Bur Oaks can be large or small, there is some scrub genes running through these prairie trees. The Red Oaks seem to all grow to a large size if given enough time.