Pine Straw

The long needled Pitlolly Pine could make some pine straw in a plantation.

But I only have a few, so will just enjoy their fall needle drop.

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  1. How are these doing currently? I’m looking to plant some in eastern KS (do these donok in neutralish soil?)

  2. Should do better in your warmer climate than mine. I had problems with winters, but they are one of the fastest growing pine trees.

    1. The two in the pic are alive and well. 1 last year got ran over by a round bale and I was hoping it would show its ability to sprout from the bottom, but never did. 2 this year declined after a winter of -20sF and look like they finally died. The best looking ones show more characteristics of pitch pine than loblolly pine. As I was noticing that through the years, I just started planting pitch pines and have had better results with them.

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