Cold Hardiest Paulownia Tree

So far I have grown 3 species of Paulownia.   None of them have been hardy enough to become a tree in my Iowa climate.

paulownia leaves paulownia tree

The last try is a Hybrid Paulownia, known as Paulownia Arctic.   This hybrid suppose to be the cold-hardiest Paulownia available, so it is worth a chance to get this fast growing tree established on the farm.

Jujube Fruit

Jujubes usually bloom every year for me, but this year was the first that I got mature fruit to eat.

jujube jujube fruit

This fruit is on a seedling rootstock, so it is small and sour.

More Signs of Beaver

I am noticing a lot of Beaver activity.

beaver tracks

The hind feet of this Beaver are nearly as long as my hand.

beaver trenches

Beavers have altered the ground below the water, as can be seen in this pic.

Fall Radishes

Growing Radishes has been more successful than spring.

fall radish

I harvest them as needed, then when the ground will freeze, I harvest the rest.   I can eat them for most of the winter.