Always interesting to cross paths with these trees.
The Shagbark Hickory(Carya ovata) is native to my part of Iowa and the nuts taste great. One other Hickory is native to here, that is the Bitternut Hickory and I prefer to not eat those nuts.
There are a few Heartnuts(Juglans ailantifolia) growing here, but the seed source I think is not very hardy. There has been dieback multiple times and only 4 out of 5 are currently alive. This year was the first year that a nut was finally produced.
There is only two native Oak species growing in my area. The Bur Oak and the Red Oak both grow here. In general, Bur Oaks can be large or small, there is some scrub genes running through these prairie trees.
The Red Oaks seem to all grow to a large size if given enough time.