Honeyberry Confusion

Honeyberries sometimes get confused and produce a few flowers in autumn.


These flowers never ripen into fruit.

Firecracker Apple Tree Fruit

The Firecracker Crabapple is continuing to produce more and more fruit each year.

red flesh apple

A neat feature is the red flesh of this small apple.

Sunflower Relatives

Jerusalem Artichokes are perennial plants, that are related to Sunflowers.


Also called Sunchokes, these plants are grown for their edible, underground tubers.  They also have a good flower display in fall.

Japanese White Birches

Japanese White Birches have grown well so far in their young life.

birch bark

They do seem to have weak wood though and have had some damage in storms.

Pterocarya Species

There is a couple Asian Wingnut species growing near each other.


The one in the foreground is a Japanese Wingnut.  It has been the hardiest Wingnut  I have grown.  The one on the left hand side is the Hupeh Wingnut.   This Wingnut has been hardy to at least -15F.  When it has gotten colder than -20F, it has had severe dieback, but it does grow back with a vengeance.

Crimson King Maple

I planted a Crimson King Maple in the goat pasture. The leaves look purple throughout the season.

crimson king maple

Since they are a cultivar of the Norway Maple, they are easy to grow.

Combo Farm

Goats and trees share this farm.

goat pasture

But goats have to be fenced away from the trees with electric fence wiring, or they would destroy the trees.

Chinese Dogwood Fruit

There was a couple more Chinese Dogwood fruit on the tree.

dogwood fruit cornus fruit

The fruit was larger and seemed more mature, as it tasted pretty good.   Not sure who is eating it, but at least some wildlife like eating this addition to the Oasis.

Pyramidal Arborvitae

I’ve planted some Pyramidal Arborvitaes for a windbreak.

windbreak trees

Their narrow growth will work good along the garden.