The Mulberry trees have produced a lot of fruit this year. Here are a couple White Mulberry trees that appear white and red more than they appear green because of all the fruit in them.
Category Archives: Trees
Northrop Mulberry
Northrop Mulberry is said to be the cold-hardiest mulberry cultivar. It is a White Mulberry(Morus alba) and produces a lot of fruit.
American Basswood Flowers
The American Basswood trees are loaded with flowers this Summer. The flowers attract a lot of bees.
Sweet Scarlet Goumi
Sweet Scarlet Goumi(Eleagnus multiflora ‘Sweet Scarlet’) is a bush that has strongly scented flowers and produces a lot of fruit. This plant, also known as Cherry Silverberry, fruits in late June. The birds quickly eat this fruit so I do not eat much of it.
Juneberries(Amelanchier) are not native here, but I have planted a few species of them. They produce edible fruit that looks similar to blueberries.
Sumac Flowers
Smooth Sumac(Rhus glabra) is native to here and I also have planted Staghorn Sumac(Rhus typhina). These are Staghorn Sumac flowers and all the insects attracted to them.
Big Apple Dogwood
My Chinese Dogwood has started flowering last year and has more flowers this year. This is the cultivar known as Big Apple because the fruit suppose to be larger than normal.
Robinia Flowering
The Robinia genus has various flowering trees in it. A young Black Locust layered in flowers. A Purple Robe Locust starts to flower when it is real small.
Bright as a Flower
Golden Hoptree(Ptelea trifoliata ‘Aurea’) seems to glow with its colored leaves. It has already started to flower at a small size and this year or next, should start producing seed.
Flower Attack
April showers did bring May flowers this year. There are a few Autumnberry cultivars I grow for the edible fruit. This spring they are full of flowers and are heavily scented. Evans Cherry is a sour cherry that has large bundles of flowers on it. Littleleaf Lilac has a lot of attractive pink flowers, while […]