Sumacs can nearly glow with their vivid fall colors. Even this Tiger Eyes Sumac, that was selected for other reasons, has great fall color, too.
Category Archives: Trees
What’s Left Of Them
During the storm of 2014, a lot of the Cottonwoods were destroyed in this area. Some still persist and have given some golden fall color this autumn.
Black Gums Annual Ritual
Not all trees are reliable for fall color, but Black Gums have been pretty dependable. These trees do grow slow though, but I have been slowly adding a few to the landscape. When mature, they can have berries that wildlife relish.
Southwestern White Pine Loneliness
This Southwestern White Pine used to be surrounded by similar-sized Ponderosa Pines. The Ponderosa Pines died from a severe winter, while the Southwestern White Pine persevered. This is one of the best Pines I have used for windbreaks. Austrian and Scotch Pines handle the winters, too, but they suffer from diseases.
Shellbark Hickory Standout
It was easy to notice the Shellbark Hickory in the woods, as the fall display is sooner than the surrounding trees. This hickory was overwhelmed with Elm competition for many years, but when I cut the Elms down, the established root system of this Shellbark Hickory pushed growth quickly.
Golden Era
Bitternut Hickories contrast well with evergreens, like the Eastern Red Cedar. Soon the Red Cedar will be the only color in this area.
Japanese Zelkovas
I have a few young Japanese Zelkovas growing. The Zelkovas tend to have better fall color than their relatives, the Elms.
Bold Statement
As fall continues on, a lot of the landscape is starting to fade. The White Poplar has kept its beauty so far, lasting late into fall before it looks barren.
Best Trees For Fall Color
The shrubby-looking Sumacs are some of the best trees for fall color. This Staghorn Sumac cultivar has had great fall color every year.
Asian and North American
My Asian and American species of Sumac are growing in close proximity of each other. The American species, Smooth and Staghorn, have excellent, reddish fall color. The Chinese Sumac is a greenish-yellow.