The Pristine Apples are getting close to ripening. These apples should start to ripen this month and be my earliest eating apple of the year.
Daily Archives: July 16, 2016
Purple Catalpa New Flush of Growth
It is easy to differentiate Purple Catalpas from the other Catalpas I have. The new growth is purple on this Hybrid Catalpa.
Shrub Buckeye
There are a lot of different species in the Aesculus genus. The shrubbier species will flower a lot sooner than the other tree species.
Purple Leafed Plum
I hadn’t bought this Purple Leafed Plum, but came as an extra from Lawyer Nursery. It contrasts well with the surrounding greens in the landscape.
Fruiting Hop Tree
My young Hop Trees have been reliably producing seeds. Once mature, these seeds will be brown and are dispersed by blowing away in the wind or on the snow.
Golden Raintree Flowering
Some of my young Golden Raintrees are flowering. They attract insects, like Bumblebees.
Foggy Mornings of Summer
A lot of mornings start off with heavy dew. Though patchy fog can be common, too.