Storm Damage Routine Occurrence

Storms have damaged a lot of large trees on the Oasis in the past few years. This Cottonwood has gotten damaged previously by storms, but it seems like life is nearly over for it now after 60+mph winds.  The trunk on this tree is around 12 feet in circumference.

Chinese Catalpa Flowering

Chinese Catalpa flowers a lot earlier in life than its cousin, the Northern Catalpa. The flowers are smaller, but they are produced reliably and in great production.   The fruit soon develops soon after, with many thin, long ‘bean’ pods.

Pitch Pine Problems

Pitch Pine has been difficult to get, as most nurseries don’t offer it.   The hybrid, Pitlolly Pine, has been offered more frequently.  But overall, Pitch Pine has been hardier.  I lose a lot of the Pitch x Loblolly Hybrid Pines, and the ones that survive, have more Pitch in their DNA, because they are cold-hardier. […]

Brome Competition

Brome grass has been one of the most aggressive grasses on the farm.  Any plant that isn’t tall or vigorous enough will quickly succumb to its strength. There are some Ornamental Grasses though, that I have found out to compete well against the Bromegrass.