Author Archives: Lance Kleckner
Laurel Sphinx
Found this Laurel Sphinx(Sphinx kalmiae) on the porch. The larvae feed on Lilacs and Ash trees, which there are many around the house.
Simultaneous Sumac Flowering and Fruiting
Staghorn Sumac is currently fruiting while the Smooth Sumac is only flowering right now. These two species are in the Rhus genus.
Speckled Leaf Catalpa
Catalpa ‘Pulverulenta’ has speckled leaves, hence the common name Speckled Leaf Catalpa.
Sorbus Aria ‘Lutescens’
I have a cultivar of the Whitebeam tree. The leaves are very fuzzy.
Shumard Oak
The new red leaves of a Shumard Oak contrast sharply with the older green leaves.
I have some Sagebrush plants, but they have not done good with too much moisture.
Sorbaria Flower
Sorbaria flowers are quite attractive and also attract a lot of pollinators. Also commonly known as False Spirea, these bushes are easy to grow and easy to propagate.
Rubus Golden Vale
Rubus cockburnianus ‘Golden Vale’ is a bright, new addition here.
Royal Frost Birch Leaves
Royal Frost Birch is a fast growing tree with attractive leaves.