Awhile ago I germinated some Nanking Cherry seed I bought from Lawyer Nursery and planted a lot of the seedlings out. All of the fruit is red, except to my delighted surprise, one of the plants bear white cherries.
Author Archives: Lance Kleckner
Variegated Clover
Sometimes I come across variegated leaves on Clover plants. The color stands out among all the green.
Yellow Loosestrife
The Variegated Loosestrife has reverted to green leaves. The yellow flowers still make this plant beautiful.
Pinto Beans
I have a nice stand of Pinto Beans growing in the garden. These dry beans are reliable producers in most years.
Sudden Departure
Flowering Crambe Cordifolia
The Crambe Cordifolia are flowering on the terrace. They are even noticeable far away because they are so large.
Developing Kiwi Fruit
This is the first year that I saw one of my kiwis flowering and developing fruit. These fruits are fuzzless and are considered hardy kiwis.
Scorzonera Flowers and More
Scorzonera has yellow flowers for ornamental appeal. This plant is used as a vegetable, edible leaves and mild roots that can be eaten, too.
Strawberry Harvest
Dunlap and Surecrop Strawberries have been productive this June. The main harvest window is only a couple weeks.
White Cat Heart
One of my cats, that was born this spring, has a white patch of hair on the stomach. It looks like a white heart to me.