There are many cultivars of the European Beech. The Franken Variegated Beech shows good variegation.
Author Archives: Lance Kleckner
Golden Maple
A good Silver Maple cultivar to grow is the Golden Silver Maple. This maple cultivar has bright foliage among the greens in the landscape.
Variegated Elm
Variegated Chinese Elm can be grown from seed. The seedlings will vary in degree of variegation, but the best can be selected out of the batch though.
Alien Aphids
Woolly Aphids are a minor nuisance on trees. Soon the Asian Lady Beetles will come in full force and destroy this aphid colony.
Variegated Maple Leaf
This Variegated Maple is a fast growing Hybrid Maple tree. It is a cross of the Red Maple and Silver Maple.
Caucasian Linden
The leaves on the Caucasian Linden are noticeably different than our native species, the American Basswood. I’ve been also trying other species in the Tilia genus.
Aspen Suckers
Quaking Aspen trees are starting to sucker all over. This is a good pioneer species for afforestation.
Large Tomato
Some of the tomatoes are becoming quite the handful. I use the big tomatoes mostly for processing.
Chinese Necklace Poplar
Chinese Necklace Poplar looks a lot different than other Poplars I grow. The leaves are large like a Catalpa.
Fruit Cuttings
I’ve tried Autumnberry cuttings a few times and this year was the best year so far. I also tried a couple Seaberry cuttings and 100% took. So I will have to try more of those cuttings in the future.