Finally had to pick the rest of the Squash and Pumpkins before a hard freeze damages them. There is a lot of variety this year since all the vines did great.
Author Archives: Lance Kleckner
Large Leaves of the Sycamore Tree
Sycamore trees create a lot of leaf litter when their gigantic leaves fall on the ground. But their leaves are small when compared to Paulownia trees. Luckily, the Paulownia leaves quickly disintegrate.
Yellow Leaves, White Bark
Japanese White Birch can have yellow fall leaves that contrast well with the white bark on this species. This species grows fast like other Birches.
Japanese Zelkova
Some of my young Japanese Zelkova seedlings are coloring up nicely. These trees are related to Elms and have leaves that look similar.
Florida Dogwood
I tried growing hardy Florida Dogwoods, but these seedlings proved to have dieback in my climate. But they do always have awesome fall color.
Red Gum
Black Gums always turn red in fall. I only wish that this tree grew faster.
Viburnum Fall Color
Viburnum is a large genus, with many different ornamental species. A lot of the species and cultivars can have excellent fall color.
Pepper Harvest
I had a large harvest of Sweet and Hot Peppers this year. The final harvest was done before the freeze.
Fall Iris
The long fall, combined with the more than ample moisture, has caused this Iris to flower now. Usually these Irises flower in late spring.
Laceleaf Sumac
Laceleaf Sumac cultivar is similar to the common Staghorn Sumac, except for the more ornamental leaflets, that are deeply divided. This Sumac cultivar also has the outstanding fall color of the species.