Author Archives: Lance Kleckner
Snow Grasshopper
A warm day resulted in grasshoppers trying to wake up enough and jump around on the snow. They better hope the hungry Guineas don’t find them.
Cutleaf Columnar Buckthorn
Cutleaf Columnar Buckthorn keeps its leaves late into fall. The recent snow has given it a new look.
Superschmelz Kohlrabi
Superschmelz Kohlrabi and Ancient Giant Red Trentino Cabbage Turnip are rare Brassicas that are large and edible. These big vegetables produce a lot of food for the table.
Big Radish Harvest
The Radish harvest was quite large, while the individual Radishes were the biggest I’ve ever grown. Growing Radishes in fall has been more productive than in spring. They tend not to bolt either.
Beech Yellows
European Beech has been a very slow growing tree. But the ornamental features make it a perfect addition to my yard.
Oklahoma Silver Juniper
More noticeable than the plain Eastern Red Cedar species, the Oklahoma Silver Red Cedar has silvery-blue foliage. This cultivar should work good in my Western Iowa location.
Burning Bush
The Corky Burning Bush cultivar has great fall color like the species. The branches are also very ornamental with their corkiness.
Pink Maple
Paperbark Maple not only has great bark, but fall color, too. This fall has brought a solid pink color.
The Unusual Fall
Interesting leaves are falling to the ground. Ginkgo leaves have littered the ground, while a lone Purple-leaved Sycamore Maple leaf is on top of them.