Winter is a great time to enjoy the sky.
Author Archives: Lance Kleckner
Icicle Sun
The Sun has been getting stronger and melting snow. Icicles have been forming when the snowmelt freezes.
Biggest Tree
This cottonwood is the largest tree on our property. Over 100′ tall and over 20 feet in circumference.
Llama Icicles
Daisy, the llama, has had a lot of snow build up on her back. As the snow has melted, icicles have formed on her wool coat.
Large Tree Hole
The largest American Basswood(Tilia americana) has large holes in the main trunk. The trunk is hollowed out and I would not be surprised is the tree falls sooner rather than later.
Dried Fruit
In this blog, I mentioned that there was a lot of fruit harvested last fall. I was able to preserve a lot of the fruit by drying it.
Bald Cypress Seed Ball
I noticed a seed ball in my Baldcypress tree. Hopefully I can start growing my own Bald Cypress from seed.
Mouse in House
A mouse was in the house and ended up in my bedroom. I tried to trap it and finally was able to attract it with a marshmallow.
2008 Winter Sky
Winter is a dreary time of the year, so I look to the sky for some good imagery.
Guinea Fowl Cold Feet
The Guineas did not like walking around on the snow. They took a break to sun themselves while standing on the tractor.