Here is a photo of a goose egg I found compared to normal sized goose eggs: That had to hurt laying a big egg like that.
Author Archives: Lance Kleckner
Snow Nest
The Canadian Goose is already laying on its nest and now it has snowed.
Stream Erosion
Stream erosion is common in this area. Crop fields are everywhere and tons of soil is washed away from this county every year.
Orange Bark
The Scotch Pine(Pinus sylvestris) has an orange color on its branches. This is a big difference compared to other pine trees that have normal brown branches.
Spring Honey Locust Pods
The pods on this young Honey Locust have continued to hang into Spring. Most trees have already dropped their pods.
Poop Ball Tree
I came across a tree in the forest that I nicknamed the poop ball tree. This is a Bitternut Hickory that has many galls on the limbs.
Tree Gives Birth
An American Basswood tree has a rotten, hollowed out trunk. A basswood sucker has sprung up in the middle.
Fireball Horizon Sunset
Hot Sun and Cold Landscape.
Want to Fly
This goose was trying to fly, but can’t. She has been mentioned in these two other blog entries, bad idea and goose tractor.
Vernal Pools Snowmelt
Snow has been melting and filling up my new vernal pools. This stops the water and helps it soak into the ground, rather than having the snowmelt leave the property and be wasted.