This is the view of the windbreak and orchard. The apple trees are flowering right now.
Author Archives: Lance Kleckner
Curious Cat
Teddy is a very curious cat. He was looking in this drain tube to see if he could find anything.
Golden Bleeding Heart and White Bleeding Heart
There are a couple other bleeding hearts in the woods besides the one I mentioned in this blog. The Gold Bleeding Heart has the same colored flowers as the common Bleeding Heart, but with attractive golden leaves. The White Bleeding Heart has different colored flowers that are white instead of pink.
Purple Catalpa New Leaves
The Purple Catalpa( Catalpa x erubescens ‘Purpurea’) comes fairly true to seed. These seedlings have beautiful purple new leaves.
Variegated Plants
I have a lot of variegated plants growing on my Oasis. Variegated Vinca also has attractive purple blooms. Variegated Petasites has large leaves and likes a lot of moisture. This Forsythia is variegated and very yellow, too. The Tri-colored European Beech(Fagus) is one of the most attractive trees in spring, though the tips burn some […]
Japanese Black Pine
The Japanese Black Pine(Pinus thunbergiana) is hardy in my location, but can suffer winterburn. The Pines should recover from this, but this is one of the problems when planting exotics.
Baby Snapping Turtle
It has been warm lately and a little snapping turtle was found on the edge of the pond. The snapping turtle liked soaking in the Sun on these warmer March days.
Rabbit Winter Damage
If the rabbit population is not controlled, a lot of damage can happen to young trees. I call these rabbit chew sticks.
Permaculture Water
I have been busy building a lot of vernal ponds. It is nice to see little water holes in the forest where there was none before.
Cat Art
A cat looked like it was trying to create art when burying where it went potty