I was busy planting trees when I heard many loud explosion noises, as if dynamite went off somewhere. Instead it was a large Cottonwood, over 5 feet in diameter, that came crashing down.
Author Archives: Lance Kleckner
Tan Bamboo
Bamboo is not evergreen in my climate. It is different from evergreen trees and deciduous trees, holding onto tan leaves into Spring.
Sticky Snow
The young forest became very white. The snow was wet and tried to cling onto everything.
Big Mulch Pile
I have gathered up small trees and quickly mulched them this spring. I use the mulch for a light layer over tree seeds that I plant. They quickly come up through this material.
Life Is Not Fair
Most trees have an opportunity to grow quickly up towards the sky. Some are not as lucky in life.
Pruned some of my young Boxelder(Acer negundo) trees this winter. The sap that was flowing quickly turned into ice in this freezing weather.
Soak Up the Sun
My cats like laying around and soaking up some solar heat. Feels nice to be warm in winter.
Leftover Ice
The snowmelt quickly filled the vernal pools that I had created. The water slowly soaked into the surrounding soil and only ice was leftover.
Vernal Ice
When digging vernal ponds, sometimes the dams are built too low in the wrong place. This year I will have to fix that end with more dirt.
Water Stoppage
The dam in the goat pasture has stopped the flow of snowmelt. This vernal pond is nearly full now.