I have a lot of different fast growing Poplar trees. This is Chinese White Poplar(Populus tomentosa). It is more closely related to the White Poplar(Populus alba) than some Poplar trees. A big-leafed Poplar that is called Szechuan Poplar(Populus szechuanica).
Author Archives: Lance Kleckner
Basswood Treefrog
A tree frog found a nice short-term home. A small hole in a Basswood tree has given shelter to a tree frog and it comes and goes as it pleases. Basswood trees typically develop cavity holes in them and house all sorts of wildlife.
Mourning Cloak Caterpillar
The Mourning Cloak Caterpillar is an unusual caterpillar. This caterpillar looks like a formidable opponent.
Strawberry Harvest
Our strawberry patches are producing a lot of strawberries this month. Most of our varieties we have are June-bearing.
Hoptree Seed
The Hoptree(Ptelea trifoliata) produces seed at a young age. The seed is also easy to germinate.
Glimpse of Purple
The Purple Catalpa has new leaves that are purple. As the leaves age, they will turn green.
Prospector Elm
Prospector Elm is a hybrid elm that is resistant to Dutch Elm Disease and Elm Yellows. The newer leaves are unique and have a reddish tinge to them.
Foxtail Lily
Foxtail Lily is a large flowering plant. It is very noticeable among other flowers.
Bamboo Lava
Cut down some bamboo culms that were about dead. Later I saw them looking like mini volcanoes with lava.
Holy Bird
A sapsucker has been putting holes in an elm of mine. Damage isn’t life threatening though and the tree continues to grow fine.