The Weeping Black Locust is a fast growing tree that is already showing signs of pendulous branches. It won’t be as strongly weeping as weeping willows, though.
Author Archives: Lance Kleckner
Pitlolly Pine
The Pitlolly Pine is a cross between the Pitch Pine and Loblolly Pine. Many of the seedlings lack the hardiness for my climate. But the hybrid pines that do survive are the fastest growing pine I can grow. They also have survived buck rubbing better than other pines, too.
Emmenopterys henryi
This is the first year I have Emmenopterys henryi. It is considered a rare tree, but may not be hardy in my Iowa location.
Potted Fig Fruit
Bought as a Brown Turkey Fig, it produces fruit about every year. If I could only grow one potted plant, this would be it. I love eating the figs.
Iowa Aralia Elata
Aralia Elata is a fast growing spiny shrub-like tree. It has started to sucker.
Colors of Poplars
Comparing the leaves of Sun ‘n Snow Poplar and the fast growing Rocket Poplar Hybrid: One tree is a fast growing ornamental shade tree and the other is a utility tree for fast growing windbreaks and screens.
Amur Maple Fall
Amur Maple(Acer ginnala) is an attractive little tree that is drought-hardy and fast growing. This species has beautiful fall color every year.
Red Rover
Red Rover Artichoke has red tubers for eating. Also called a Sunchoke, it is related to annual Sunflowers. Red Rover is attractive for the flowering, too.
Old Ponds Renewed
There is three ponds on this property that were cattle ponds. Now that the cattle are gone and drought has made conditions good for digging, we hired a trackhoe and bulldozer to dig out these filled-in ponds. The work went fast and was less than 2 days they were here.
Mexican Bamboo
Crimson Beauty is a cultivar of Mexican Bamboo. The root system of this cultivar is not aggressive like the main species.