Golden Hoptree(Ptelea trifoliata ‘Aurea’) seems to glow with its colored leaves. It has already started to flower at a small size and this year or next, should start producing seed.
Author Archives: Lance Kleckner
Flower Attack
April showers did bring May flowers this year. There are a few Autumnberry cultivars I grow for the edible fruit. This spring they are full of flowers and are heavily scented. Evans Cherry is a sour cherry that has large bundles of flowers on it. Littleleaf Lilac has a lot of attractive pink flowers, while […]
Half Foot of Snow
A heavy snow fell upon the land. Diamond didn’t mind the snow. Branches of the Colorado Blue Spruce are heavy-laden with snow. A Variegated Fritillaria is given further ornamental appeal with a layer of snow around it.
Sweetheart Snow
The Sweetheart Apricot tree is full of blossoms this spring. Even the snow couldn’t stop it.
Slice of Light
The dark clouds and landscape created a slice of light between them. Follow the light and see where it takes you.
I Caught It
What is this unusual creature I am holding? It is actually a bamboo rhizome I dug up and will transplant.
Stop Snowmelt
I have been building a lot of vernal pools. They help stop the rush of water so it can slowly absorb into the surrounding soil. This vernal pool is right above a permanent pond.
Icicle Handle
Snow has been melting and dripping down from the roof. This water has created an usual door handle, with icicles hanging from it.
Tree Gold
I like to see Queen’s Gold Weeping Willow growing on my Oasis. It is very noticeable during the winter months and helps brighten up nature.
The Sun doesn’t last very long during these winter days. Glad to see some beautiful sunsets during the downtime.