Purple Robe Locust has abundant pink flowers in spring. This fast growing hybrid tree will also flower intermittently during the summer.
Daily Archives: May 30, 2015
Comfrey Tenacity
Comfrey is vigorous and hard to kill with its strong root system. This plant pictured above wasn’t even planted, it just appeared, whether from a piece of root or plant dropped there or from seed. These tall-growing perennial plants are attractive to such pollenizers as bumblebees.
Earthbag Nest
Eastern Phoebes chattered at me when I checked out the relic earthbag hut. I found a nest with babies inside.
Black Locust White Flowers
The young Black Locusts are full of flowers this spring. Later in the summer the locusts will be filled with small pods.
Clematis State of Flowering
Clematis cultivars can grow and flower well here. This vine is in various stages of flowering.